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Releasing a new version of an application, configuration or infrastructure in Clarive is done by executing the given release (or changeset) Topic as a deployment Job.

This Job executes a combination of all automatic tasks and orchestrates all the manual tasks needed to deploy a release.

Release Strategies

Releasing can adapt to a set of strategies:

  • Big-bang releases.
  • Gradual releases.
  • Stepped deployment.

Big-Bang Releases

Deploy all of the changesets at once in a single Job.

This is the best strategy for production environments, because it makes changes "transactional". This means Clarive guarantees that it can roll back the full Job in case of failure.

To implement big-bang releases:

  • Add "Bind Releases" in the Status Resource where you want to avoid deploying gradual changesets, i.e. Production status.
  • Develop a Job pipeline Rule that takes full advantage of Job rollback strategies.
  • If necessary, add manual deployment ops to your deployment Rule: approvals, pauses, etc.

Gradual Releases

Gradual releases mean deploying changesets individually into an environment.

This strategy is typically better suited for preproduction environments. The main advantages is that we can cherry pick releases that are going to be deployed into an environment.

Stepped Deployment

This means that the gradual release steps are implemented through pauses, traps or approvals during the deployment Job.

We recommend using stepped deployment if the release execution not going to take more than 24 hours.

Having a Job running for over 24 hours means having the job processes taking up resources in the Clarive server (and related targets).


To schedule release deployments, Clarive uses its calendaring engine to process what can be deployed and when. Use the Calendaring admin interface to define available Job slots by any Scope or Job content:

  • Global schedule.
  • Environment-based slots.
  • Specific dates (i.e. holidays) as exceptions.
  • Project or Resource-based calendar slots.

Release Infrastructure Relationship

Releases and Changesets hold relationship to Resources in the Clarive Graph. This enables, for instance, identification of which releases may be affected by certain infrastructure outage.

To use the Resource Graph dashlet, add it to the Release Topic category Dashboard:

1) Create a new Dashboard Rule in the Rule Designer by clicking . Fill out the Name field, and set the Type field to Dashboard, then click Done. Open the newly created Dashboard Rule and add the Resource Graph dashlet from the Palette by dragging over the name of the Dashboard Rule. Click Save. For further details, see Resource Graph.

2) Open the Admin dropdown, and select Categories.

3) Select the Release Topic.

4) Select the Dashboard created in step 1 from the dropdown menu in the Dashboard field. Click Save.

Once you open the Release Topic, the user can drill down through the related Resources, including infrastructure, for a given environment or project for that release.

Deployment Infrastructure

Infrastructure that will be necessary for deploying a release is also available when creating a New Job.

Redeploying a Release

If a release fails, or the environment is rebuilt from the outside, a release can be redeployed to that environment using either of the following:

  • Job rerun.
  • Creating a new deploy transition into the environment.

Either way, release will be redeployed to the environment.

Job Rerun

By rerunning the job through the Job Monitor (select Jobs, then Monitor), the same variables and values used in each step will be reused. That means the same version of the configuration will be deployed to the environment.

A Job Rerun also allows the user to control which Job step is going to be re-executed. This allows users to rerun only the RUN phase of the job.

Static Redeploy

If the release is already in an Environment (e.g. DEV), and the transition from and to the status exists in the workflow for the release with Job Type static, then Clarive can redeploy a release to an Environment where it is already installed.

To set up static redeploys, edit the workflow for the Topic category:

  • If it is a simple workflow, activate the Admin dropdown menu and select Categories, followed by a Topic. Then go to the Workflow tab, and from the From Status dropdown, select a workflow transition with Job Type static from and to the same status e.g. from QA to QA (click to maximize left-hand Lifecycle bar if minimized, then select Resources, All, status and Job Types. Set Type to Deployable and click Save).
  • If it is a Rule workflow, modify the workflow rule so that it has a transition from and to the same status, set Deployment Type to static. Select Admin, Rule Designer and . Set Type to Workflow and click Done. Open the newly created Workflow Rule, and select Palette. From there drag the Change Topic Status Workflow over the name of the Workflow Rule. Click on this and set Deployment Type to Static, then click Save).

Provision / Decommission Configuration

Using catalog repositories, users can add provisioning tasks to releases changesets.

Provisioning is executed when the Rule executes. Make sure the Rule has a Provision Task operation configured at some point, otherwise no provisioning tasks will be executed.

A good strategy for setting up provisioning during the release process is to setup the deployment during a PRE job step operation to deploy provisioned tasks before the scheduled time (RUN step).

Federation After Deployment

Federate important application configuration information with external CMDBs if you have one.

Add webservices and federation calls to your deployment rule that will federate the configuration changes deployed by your last deployment job.