IF var condition THEN
Allow to use multiples values in a conditional step.
To configure it, we have some combos to customize our conditions:
Specify when the IF step is TRUE and can run the elements inside the IF service:
- Any - At least condition is true, same like an OR (x OR y OR z).
- All - All conditions should be true to make the IF flow. Same like an AND (x AND y AND z).
- None - None of the conditions are true. Same as !(x AND y AND z).
Set the IF condition:
- Stash Variable - Fill with the variable to be compared.
- Operator - Set the type of comparison.
In some cases (like 'EQUALS'), we need to configure to more options:
- Ignore case - To ignore case type (uppercase or lowercase) in the comparison.
- Numeric - Compare values as a numeric type or string type.
- Value - Fill the value which will be compared with the Stash Variable field.
Remove - Remove the condition.
Add Condition - Allow to add a new condition.