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Topic roadmap

Shows a grid with the topic roadmap.

There are a list of elements can be configured in the dashlet:

Height in canvas rows

Defines the height in number of rows given to the dashlet.

The height value will be between 1 and 4 where 4 will occupy 100% of the page.

Width in canvas columns

Sets the width that the item will occupy in the dashboard.

The maximum allowed value is 12 (100% width).


Allows to make the dashlet more dinamic adding an automatic refresh (in minutes).

First weekday

Set the first day of the week to see the roadmap.


Set the scale for the roadmap, can be daily, weekly or monthly.


Select one o more environments to configure.

Exclude selected environments?

Show only the environments not selected in the combo above.

Shift back/foward in days from today to start timeline

Set the days before and after from today.

Select topics in categories

Select one o more categories to show in the swarm.

Exclude selected classes?

Show only the clases not selected in the combo above.

Advanced JSON/MongoDB condition for filter

Allows to use a JSON format o MongoDB query to add a condition.


Where id is the unique key of the category which can be consulted through the REPL.

Label mask

Allows to personalize the information will show in the topic mask.

Example: ${category.acronym}#${topic.mid} ${topic.title}