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The Semaphore interface is where administrators can manage all semaphores created in the system.

If a part of a rule or rulebook has been tagged with the semaphore, the semaphore entry will be created in the system. Every time the rule code execution enters the semaphored region, it will request exclusivity before executing the op (and any children ops).

Creating a semaphore with the REPL

Initially, when no semaphores have been yet created by any rule, the interface will contain no data. Run a rule with an that has a semaphore configured to initialize a semaphore entry.

An easy way to initialize a semaphore is to head over to the REPL and run the following JS Server code:

var sem = require("cla/sem");
var util = require("cla/util");
var ret = sem.take('mysem', function(){
    util.sleep(10); // will lock the semaphore for 10 seconds

Managing slots

Once a semaphore is created, they will visible in the Semaphores admin panel.

Each semaphore defined in the system will be visible on the left side, the Semaphore explorer. For each semaphore, the following fields will be shown:

  • slots - the number of slots available. This can be increased or decreased with the up/down arrows next to the semaphore name. Default is 1, which means only one process can use the semaphore at once.

  • busy - this is the number of taken slots. Default is 0 which means no process is using any slots. Busy can only

  • waiting - number of enqueued processes waiting for available slots.

Increasing available slots

Semaphores by default do not allow simultaneous executions. However, the number of concurrent executions allowed can be increased by using the up/down arrows next to the semaphore name.


Lowering the number of available slots once they are already taken won't have any effect on ongoing processes, only on new incoming semaphore requests.

Global semaphore lock

Setting the number of slots to 0 will force enqueuing of all processes that use that semaphore.

This is an elegant way of preventing users and processes from accessing a process for a certain amount of time.

Infinite slots

If the number of slots is lowered (down arrow) beyond 0, infinite slots will be available and an infinity sign will be shown. That translates into disabling semaphore control entirely.

Live semaphore management

Once a process is either queued to take a semaphore, or is busy within a semaphore section, the process will be visible as a row in the right side panel.

Each row has an icon that indicates the status of the process:

Icon Status Meaning
waiting process waiting for an available slot
busy semaphore taken and process running
cancelled process was cancelled on request

There are more statuses, visible in the Legend reference in the lower part of the panel, but usually they are ephimeral in duration and either should not be visible most of the time or will last a fraction of a second until it disappears from the list.

There are 2 actions available for each row:

  • Grant
  • Cancel


Grant is meant to release enqueued processes -- processes waiting for a semaphore.

This action ignores the slot restriction, skipping over it entirely.

For instance, say you have a single slot semaphore X and the following process queue:

Process Status
A busy
B waiting
C waiting

In the above example, process B is waiting in queue for A to release semaphore X.

If you grant process B, it will start immediately and will not consume any slots. Once process A finishes, process C will start even though process B is already running.

The cancel action is meant to resolve critical queue situations, mostly for emergency situations where process B must run immediately regardless of slot availability.


The Cancel action will tell the waiting process to fail.

This is meant to prevent processes in the queue from taking semaphores and failing gracefully with a Semaphore cancel error.

Cancelling processes in the queue can be useful in situations where a critical external resource (ie. a server) is blocking or too slow and requires manual intervention from administrators before any other process interacts with it.

In the above case, for instance, administrators should:

  1. reduce the semaphore slot count to 0

  2. cancel any pending processes in the queue.