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cla info - Configuration information

cla info: Print out Clarive Server configuration information


The info commands prints out detailed server configuration information for a given clarive instance.


cla info -c MYCONFIG

Before running this command, cla setup must have been executed, or a valid [config].yml configuration file must have been created.


--format OUTPUT_FORMAT - prints out in one of three formats: yaml, screen (default), json.

The yaml and json formats have more information than the screen format.

--var VARIABLE - prints out only the given variable. the VARIABLE argument has to be one of the valid information ids available. Run cla info --format yaml -c MYCONFIG to view all variables available. If the contents of the variable is a map/array structure, it will print in yaml format by default. Or set it to json with --format json.

For example:

cla info --var git_home --format json -c MYCONFIG

Depending on your current Clarive server configuration, it should print something similar to:


--migrations - print a list of all migrations already applied to the database.

cla info -c MYCONFIG --migrations