cla trans - Conversion tool

cla trans: Conversion tool, password encryption.

Subcommands supported can be displayed with the help option:

>cla help trans

usage: cla [-h] [-v] [--config file] command <command-args>

Subcommands available for trans (conversion tool, password encryption):


cla help <command> to get all subcommands.
cla <command> -h for command options.

cla trans-password:

  • -u <\username>: User name to be encrypted password is a required parameter, it can be defined as an input parameter:
  • -p <\password>: User password.
  • Typed from the keyboard when command asked for it.

Encryption is done using parameter decrypt_key or dec_key from config file.

cla trans-md5: Encrypt following MD5 algoritm. The input string can be defined:

  • –s <\string>: String to encrypt.
  • Typed from the keyboard when command asks for it.

cla trans-encrypt: Encrypt following Blowfish algorithm. Encryption is done using:

  • --key <\key_name>: Key to encrypt. s- parameter decrypt_key or dec_key from config file.