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Using the Command-line

All Clarive command-line interface (CLI) commands share a few commonalities.

Getting help

To get help for a command, just write:

cla help [command]

For a list of commands available, type:

cla help

The list can vary according to the installed features and plugins.

Passing options

Most options can be passed using command line arguments (sometimes called flags) preppended by double dash --.

For instance:

--max_workers 20

In the command-line, options with underscore may be replaced with a dash -, so you could also write:

--max-workers 30

NOTE: Although this is valid for the command-line options, it does not hold true for environment config files.

The value passed to the command-line option may be followed by an equal sign or separated by a space, so this is also a valid format:


Config overwriting

The same command line options can be set in your environment config file [env].yml, by writing the option into your config file:

max_workers: 30

Nested data as command-line options

It's also possible to assign values to nested keys through the command-line, by using a JSON-style attribute notation:

--cache_config.expire_seconds 3000

Any dots . found in a command-line argument will be translated to nested value. In the case above, the [env].yml equivalent would be:

  expire_seconds: 3000

Another of doing this is to load a JSON-formatted string object into the command-line with the --json option:

--json '{ cache_config: { expire_seconds: 3000 } }'

Checking the loaded config

The final environment + command-line setup may be checked to see what values Clarive is finally loading by running the command cla config-show

cla config-show

Dumps a YAML representation of the current data.