A Clarive workflow is the set of statuses and transitions that a Topic goes through during its lifecycle.
There are two types of workflows:
- Topic-based, which are for simple workflows
- Rule-based, for complex or reusable workflows
Topic Workflows¶
These are simple workflows that apply to a given Topic category.
Rule Workflows¶
Typically, most topic categories will do fine with just a simple, topic workflow.
Rule workflows should be used instead for complex decision transitions:
- Project specific flows
- Field-dependend transitions, ie. if "urgency" fieldlet value is "urgent" then skip "promote to QA"
- External dependent workflow decisions, like calling an external webservice to determine where or how to promote the topic.
- Field content checks conditional, such as checking that a given field has been filled-out before allowing promotion to happen.
Also, rule workflows are useful as reusable workflows. One workflow rule may be reused in many different topic categories.