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cla/db - MongoDB namespace

The database namespace has functions designed to make use of the MongoDB database where Clarive runs.

General Considerations

Regular expressions

Using regular expressions is necessary for searching Mongo, for that you need to generate a cla.regex() object since javascript regular expressions are not supported through the Mongo interface.


var db = require('cla/db');
var doc = db
        .findOne({ title: cla.regex("there","i") });
Chaining cursor methods

Cursor methods can be chained together before they are executed.

var db = require("cla/db");
var docs = db.getCollection('master_doc')
    .fields({ bl: true, bls: true, _id: 0 })


Returns a connection to a MongoDB database within the Clarive MongoDB instance.

With the returning object, you can use any other db. method.

var db = require('cla/db');
var mydb = db.getDatabase("mydb");
var coll = mydb.getCollection("mycoll");
coll.insert({ id: 1, txt:"my first doc" });
coll.findOne({ id: 1 });


Returns a Mongo collection from the database.

A collection is analogous to a table in the relational database world.

There is no need to create a new collection, just use it and it will be created by Mongo.

db.seq(sequenceName, [resetCounter])

Accesses the Clarive sequence table to increment the sequence.

var db = require('cla/db');
var nextid  = db.seq('myseq'); // should be 1
var another = db.seq('myseq'); // should be 2
db.seq('myseq', 1); // resets the sequence back to 1

db.cloneCollection(collectionName, newCollectionName)

Copies one collection to another.

var db = require('cla/db');
db.cloneCollection('mycoll', 'mycoll-copy');


Inserts a document into a collection.

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('mycoll');
coll.insert({ title: 'test', priority: 80, other: [ 1,2,3 ], nested: { a: 11, b: 22 } });


Removes one or more documents from a collection.

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('mycoll');
coll.remove({ title: 'test' });

collection.update(query, options)

Updates documents in a collection

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('mycoll');
coll.update({ title: 'test' }, { $set : { title: 'test2' } });


Drops a collection.

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('mycoll');

collection.findOne(query, [fields])

Finds one document in the collection and returns the document.

Returns undefined if no documents were found.

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('mycoll');
coll.insert({ id: 22, title: 'test' });
var doc = coll.findOne({ id: 22, title: 'test' });
print( );


Returns a cursor with the results of the search, also called result set.

var db = require('cla/db');
var coll = db.getCollection('topic');
var cursor = coll.find({ priority: { $gt: 100 } });
while( cursor.hasNext() ) {
var doc =;
print( doc.mid );

The returning cursor query is not executed until one the cursor methods is called (next(), count(), etc.);

Returns the next document in the cursor's result set.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
var doc =;


Returns true or false depending if the cursor has already gone through all its rows.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
if( cursor.hasNext() ) {
// ...


Iterates a cursor result set with a callback function.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
print( doc.mid );


Returns all the documents in the cursor at once.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
var docs = cursor.all();
for( var i=0; i < docs.length; i++ ) {
    print( docs[i].mid );


Returns the number of documents retrieved by a cursor.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
cla.printf( "Found %d rows", cursor.count() );


Limit the number of documents returned by the cursor.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
cla.printf( "Found %d rows", cursor.count() );   // should print 10 rows


Skip the first few rows of the result set returned.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
cursor.forEach( function(doc){
console.log( doc );  // should dump docs 50 to 60 in the result set


Configures the sorting for the result set to be returned.

var db = require('cla/db');
var cursor = db.getCollection('topic').find();
cursor.sort({ title: 1 }); // sort by title (as alphabetical)
cursor.sort({ m: 1 }); // sort by mid (as numeric)