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Artifact Management

A repository stores two types of artifact: releases and snapshots. Release repositories are for stable, static release artifacts and snapshot repositories are frequently updated repositories that store binary software artifacts from projects under constant development. While it is possible to create a repository which serves both release and snapshot artifacts, repositories are usually segmented into release or snapshot repositories serving different consumers and maintaining different standards and procedures for deploying artifacts.

Much like the difference between a production network and a staging network, a release repository is considered a production network, and a snapshot repository is more like a development or a testing network. While there is a higher level of procedure and ceremony associated with deploying to a release repository, snapshot artifacts can be deployed and changed frequently without regard for stability and repeatability concerns.

Release Artifacts

A release artifact is an one which was created by a specific, versioned release. For example, consider the 1.2.0 release of the commons-lang library stored in the central Clarive repository. This release artifact, commons-lang-1.2.0.jar, and the associated POM, commons-lang-1.2.0.pom, are static objects which will never change in the central Clarive repository. Released artifacts are considered to be solid, stable, and perpetual in order to guarantee that builds which depend upon them are solid and repeatable over time. The released JAR artifact is associated with a PGP signature, an MD5 and SHA checksum which can be used to verify both the authenticity and integrity of the binary software artifact.

Snapshot Artifacts

Snapshot artifacts are ones generated during the development of a software project. A Snapshot artifact has both a version number such as "1.3.0" or "1.3" and a timestamp in its name. For example, a snapshot artifact for commons-lang 1.3.0 might have the name commons-lang-1.3.0-20090314.182342-1.jar the associated POM, MD5 and SHA hashes would also have a similar name. To facilitate collaboration during the development of software components, Clarive and other clients who know how to consume snapshot artifacts from a repository know how to query the metadata associated with a Snapshot artifact and always retrieve the latest version of a Snapshot dependency from a repository.


Groups can bundle various repositories into one.

Thereby the User can use a single URL to access artifacts. Then Clarive will automatically look through the artifact repositories that make up the group and attempt to find an artifact, in the order the artifact repositories appear in a group.

Remote Repositories and Proxying

Clarive can have local and remote repositories. Remote repositories are URLs that will be tried against when the user requests Clarive for an artifact.


Remote repositories can be used to proxy and cache remote artifacts.

Caching Remote Artifacts

Once an artifact is requested, Clarive fetches the artifact and stores it locally.

Every time a user requests the artifact, if Clarive already has the files cached locally, it will just check if the remote artifact has the same timestamp and size. If they match, then Clarive will serve the local file, thus reducing the remote fetch overhead.

Publishing Artifacts

To include new artifacts into the Clarive repository, use the rule op Publish Artifact.

This will publish and index the artifact.

If you do not use the op, and choose to copy the file directly to the repository path, then it will not be indexed for searches.


Artifacts added to the repository using the rule op Publish Artifact force an index update, which means fast searches through the Artifacts interface.

Repository as Change Provider

Artifact repositories can be used as change providers.

Simply add any Artifact repository to the Project repository list (in the Project Resource) to have it work.


Artifacts can be identified by a combination of three data points:

Group Identifier (groupId)

A group identifier groups a set of artifacts into a logical group. Groups are often designed to reflect the organization under which a particular software component is being produced. For example, software components being produced by the Maven project at the Apache Software Foundation are available under the groupId org.apache.maven.

Artifact Identifier (artifactId)

An artifact is an identifier for a software component. An artifact can represent an application or a library; for example, if you were creating a simple web application your project might have the artifactId “simple-webapp”, and if you were creating a simple library, your artifact might be “simple-library”. The combination of groupId and artifactId must be unique for a project.

Version (version)

The version of a project follows the established convention of Major, Minor, and Point release versions. For example, if your simple-library artifact has a Major release version of 1, a minor release version of 2, and point release version of 3, your version would be 1.2.3. Versions can also have alphanumeric qualifiers which are often used to denote release status. An example of such a qualifier would be a version like “1.2.3-BETA” where BETA signals a stage of testing meaningful to consumers of a software component.


A Clarive artifact repository is completely agnostic when it comes to the type of artifact it is managing. Packaging can be anything that describes any binary software format including ZIP, SWC, SWF, NAR, WAR, EAR, SAR.