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Dashboard Rules

Dashboard rules is the way to define global dashboards in the system.

They allow admins to take advantage of the full power of rule control ops to customize Dashboard behaviour before it's rendered to the user.

When editing Dashboard rules from the palette, under the folder Dashlets there will be many different dashlets (or widgets) available for dragging into the rule.

The "Grid" System

The dashboard layout mechanism is based on the grid system, popularized by web toolkits and libraries.

| 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5  | 6  | 7  | 8  | 9  | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 4-column dashlet  |           8-column dashlet            |
|  2-col  |  2-col  |  3-col       |   5-columns            |
|     4-column      |  x 2 rows    |   x 2-rows             |

A grid system has 12 columns and unlimited rows. Each dashlet can occupy from 1 to 12 columns and at least 1 row.

Here's a good explanation in the Bootstrap library site about how Bootstrap's grid system works.

Custom Dashboards

Although admins normally define dashboards as rules and assign them to user roles, users can also customize these dashboards later.

Once the dashboard is rendered to the user, the dashboard customization button on the top right can be used to modify dashlet configuration.

When customizing dashboards, the user can access the full dashlet configuration and change dashlet parameters. Users can also remove dashlets and add new ones. User changes are not reflected in the original Dashboard rule and can only be viewed by the user that created it.


Don't put any sensitive information in dashlet configuration. Users can see (and modify dashlets), so it's better to refrain from using information that can be manipulated by the user. This is specially true of the HTML