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Writing import modules with Ruby

Here's an example of a Ruby import module. Let's call this file ruby_hello.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'json'

input = JSON.parse( gets )
msg = 'hello ' + input['quux'] + ' from ruby'
puts msg

puts JSON.generate( { ENV['CLARIVE_RETURN'] => { "myvar" => { "msg" => msg } } } )


Don't forget to apply the execute flag +x to your import modules. Clarive rules can only invoke modules that are executable. Make sure that the shebang #! definition points to a valid binary in the docker container image that will be used with your module.

To test your Ruby import module from the command line, try the following command:

echo '{ "quux": "worlds" }' | CLARIVE_RETURN=1234 ./ruby_hello.rb

If everything went well, the following output should be shown.

hello worlds from ruby
{"1234":{"myvar":{"msg":"hello worlds from ruby"}}}

Using Ruby imports in your rulebook

To use a Ruby module you have to first check it into a Git repository managed by Clarive.

Let's suppose there is a project called MyProject set up in your system, and that the project has a Git repository called MyRepo. Therefore the path to your rulebook and module would be:


Now in your rulebook import the Ruby file with the import: directive. You can try this using the the REPL.

image: ruby
   - MyProject/MyRepo
   - /MyProject/MyRepo/.clarive/imports/
   - echo: "and now for something completely different:"
   - ruby_hello:
        quux: "world"