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Stored Variables

You can store variables in the Clarive database with the variable admin UI.

Database variables can be accessed conveniently with the ctx.var(varname) function through handlebar notation in your rulebooks.

   - image: awsdeployer
            AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ ctx.var('AWS_SECRET') }}"
        do: |
            serverless deploy

Creating and managing variables

Go to AdminVariables in the Clarive app to create and manage variables.

When creating a variable, enter the following info:

  • Variable Name - the name of the variable, which will be the string used when retrieving the value with the ctx.var(varname) function.

  • Variable Type - the type, either text (plain text) or secret. See explanation below to understand the difference.

  • Value - the value to be stored into the variable.

  • Projects - projects to which the variable will be available. If no projects are selected, the variable is available for all projects.

  • Environments - environments to which the variable will be available. If no environments are selected, the variable is available for all environments.

Variable names are not unique. You can create several copies of the same variable for different contexts.

Plain text or Secret variables

Plain text variables are stored as clear text and can be easily read by the user. This is not ideal for storing sensitive information in the database.

Secret variables on the other hand are encrypted into the database and cannot be retrieved outside of the rulebook where it's being used.

Project and environment scopes

Use project and environment scopes to limit variable access to be used only from certain types of jobs.

Cloaking and security

Clarive will attempt to cloak secret variable values at all possible output locations and logs.

Yet, there's no fully guaranteed variable safety, meaning if a user has access to a given variable and system it could use creative ways to extract the secret value. For example, create a file and ship it to a rogue system; or call a rogue webservice using the value.


Be wise and use different strategies to secure your systems, including server-only credentials and private keys that are removed from prying eyes.

Global variables and the REPL

To use / test a variable from the REPL, create a global value (all projects, all environments). That way the variable can be accessed through the REPL, which is ideal for testing values while developing rulebooks.